List Shortcodes

Standard Lists



[list type=”upper-alpha”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”lower-alpha”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”upper-roman”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”lower-roman”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”circle”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”decimal”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”square”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”disc”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis



[toggle title=”Get The Code” icon=”file-alt” style=”simple”]


[list type=”disc”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





Lists With Icons



[list type=”icon” icon=”check-sign”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”icon” icon=”plus”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”icon” icon=”rocket”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”icon” icon=”heart”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis



[toggle title=”Get The Code” icon=”file-alt” style=”simple”]


[list type=”icon” icon=”heart”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





2 Alternative Styles



[list type=”upper-alpha”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”upper-alpha” style=”simple”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”icon” icon=”heart”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





[list type=”icon” icon=”heart” style=”simple”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis



[toggle title=”Get The Code” icon=”file-alt” style=”simple”]


[list type=”icon” icon=”heart”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis


[list type=”icon” icon=”heart” style=”simple”]

  1. In malesuada
  2. Nullam at odio
  3. Vestibulum ut
  4. Nunc lobortis





All Available Icons:



[icon name=”lightbulb” size=”medium” style=”solid” shape=”circle”]

Shortcode Documentation

[list doc=”true”]